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Finding Time for Exercise

Part 1


One of the best recent practices that gets me out on the street is to learn new information or to finish the latest book that I'm "reading" by listening on my iPod. 

Do the math...60 minutes per day of learning x 365 days per year divided by 40 = in one year you would have done the equivalent of 9 weeks of class at 40 hours per week while walking (that is over two months of full time class work by just finding an hour per day to walk).

What would you study for 2 months if you had the time?  Would you learn a new language (I now can speak some Italian mostly from my walking), learn more about your job (I frequently listen to medical lectures), learn about your hobby, read the classics?  What do you want to learn?  One hour per day would give you 3 miles per day (the amount that keeps most people trim) and would give you much knowledge. 

In fact, that much walking is probably worth more than 2 months of class because I remember more while walking since I'm more alert than I am while sitting in class. 

I've been using a CD player but recently found a deal and upgraded to an iPod and I'm very glad I did.  For $24 per month I get two books per month and an iPod shuffle at no additional charge.  For more info, see http://www.Audible.com.  

Amazon also sells downloadable books as do other sites.  Probably the cheapest way to get in the business of the walking class is to buy the Panasonic waterproof CD player at Target (about $30) and then rent CD's at the library.  Most libraries now will order whatever you want from another library, so don't worry if you live in a small town.  I'm not sure how it works in some of the other countries from which I receive e-mail but hopefully there's an equally useful and affordable way there. 

Listen to my audio CD, "Finding Time for Exercise," for more tips.

(To be continued in future health lessons)...


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