This is where you can pick up the first part of the Total Surrender Orgasm with Female Ejaculation Action Group. Please do not share this page. People given this for free tend to not do as well as those who pay (unfortunately they are less likely to actually do the plan).
If you find this course helpful, please do them a favor and send them to that website (instead of giving them the course) and simply tell them that my findings have been that people see much better results if they pay the very nominal fee for the course.
IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT close this page until you have downloaded the MP3 Recording (your first assignment). You may want to even bookmark this page in case you lose the recording.
If you have questions, you can contact me at
or at 251-648-7704
Remember! If you bought with Click Bank, your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM and will not refer to the name of this course.
You should receive more missions for this action group within the next week. If you do not, check your spam folder and when you find the email then add the "from" address to your address book.
Here's an outline of what's coming...
Week 1: Total Surrender Orgasm with Female Ejaculation Part I (One hour MP3 audio recording).
Week 2: Anytime...for as Long as You Want: Strength, Genius, Libido, & Erection by Integrative Sex Transmutation 15-day course for men to improve sex and life.
Week 3: Total Surrender Orgasm Part II (One hour MP3 audio recording) Explains
Week 4: The Law of Health: 10 Essential Steps to Glorious Health & Miraculous Healing. A 10-Week course to find your best health and your best shot at rejuvenation and healing of your body-temple.
Week 5: Dr. Runels Recipe for Erection Enhancement. How to make your penis larger and healthier. What women really think about penis size. When size matters and when it does not.
Week 6: The #1 Health & Energy Secret Without this one you will have less energy to give.
Week 7: Total Surrender Orgasm with Female Ejaculation Part III (One hour MPE audio recording). Explains
Week 8: The Magic 9 techniques for extending lovemaking for as long as you want making ejaculation like a light switch that you turn on or off at will.
Week 9: Practical Application of Integrative Sex Transmutation: Advanced techniques for transmuting sexual energy into strength, energy, intelligence, creativity, spiritual enlightenment, and into the sexual and physical connection that makes two lovers become one.
I'm very excited about this course. I know that the information, even given in partial sections, has changed lives. Now, combined in one contiguous course with extra new material added, I'm expecting people to see sexual realations like they've never known before.
This will not always be easy. Perhaps courage will be the most needed factor. If you have questions or fears along the way, please let me know.
OK, Finally!! Without further delay, here's where to download the first assignment in the Total Surrender Orgasm with Female Ejaculation Action Group
(right click for PC; or command click if Mac)
Please let me know how you do with the plan I wish you all the best and complete...
Peace & Health,

Charles Runels, MD
The Sex Energy Doctor™