My healthiest patients are willing to fight for their health
(it’s one of the Laws of Health).
Gladiator looks his son’s murderer in the eye and speaks his reason for being alive–which is tied to his Love for his son.
Do you say you're willing to "die" for the person you love? Then, are you willing to go through the pain of living in a different way for that same someone you love? If you would die for the person you love, then will you go through the pain of doing without the thing that makes life not as good for that same person because it affects your health? Will you go through the pain of exercise or of eating the healthier food?
The healthy enjoy better health because they need their Body-Temple in its best condition to show their Love and are willing to fight…
The Law of Health, Buddism, the Tao, Christianity, and Al Pachino–all say Life (and Health) begin with the willingness to die…
Rocky tells his son it’s not how hard you hit, it’s if you’re willing to get back up. Some have the misconception that healthy people never get off track with their health–they do. But,
The healthy get back on track the DAY they get off track (they get back up), where often the unhealthy give up for weeks or months at a time…
I said 3 Fight Speeches, but here’s an extra for good measure.
“Lying in your beds” who would not want to go back and fight for freedom from disease?

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