For information only.
Follow the advice of your physician and of your local authorities…
The following links are referenced in the above video…with the full transcript at the bottom of the page…
None (zero) has died in the US.
Here’s where the CDC keeps updated data about coronavirus in the US (minute-by-minute)<–
The number of people who got the flu in 2018–
48 million,
with 959,000 in the hospital,
and 79,000 deaths<–
But, talking about the flu does not sell ads…not exciting enough.
China’s forced abortion policy<–
A country that forces abortion if you have more than one child will not hesitate to shut down an epidemic with the necessary quarantines.
Why wearing a face mask to try to keep from getting sick will not work (and why you should wear one if you are the one who is sick)<–
The mass shooting at the Brewery from schizophrenia gone untreated<–
More about mental illness going untreated<-–
Twenty-nine (29) people per day die from drunk drivers in the US alone (that’s not counting the hundreds per day who are hurt, paralyzed, or otherwise seriously injured). That’s one death every 50 minutes (on average). Watch a movie–2 people died.
In 2016, the number of children killed by drunk drivers in the US–214 (ages newborn to 14 years old). That’s more than 4 children per week.
The number of people who self-reported drunk driving incidents…in the MILLIONS…
Carona virus does not leave anyone with broken bones or paralyzed.
Remember, the number of people dead in the US from coronavirus…ZERO.
Number of deaths each year in the US from drug overdoses…70,000 a year…give or take…that’s 191 a day or an average of 8 every HOUR! Watch a movie–16 people died.
World Health Organization (WHO) corrupt and inept<–
Is the press talking about drunk drivers, or drug overdoses, or schizophrenia as a cause of violence (and our lack of enough mental hospital beds), or the corrupt WHO?
Why not?
Watch the commercials when you watch the news…alcohol and prescription drugs! If the press talks about the above causes of death, such discussion will hurt their ability to sell ads to companies who make beer and medicines and will hurt a variety of political goals. But, talking about coronavirus, hyping it to be a deadly-world-altering plague, gets lots of attention, and sells ads without hurting the feelings of their sponsors or political friends.
I’m not saying drug companies are evil…a drug company will eventually make the vaccine that helps protect us from coronavirus. I am saying the TV/cable news misleads their viewers to make money. In other words, the news organizations know the stats, but the money matters much more to them than do you or your health.
***The news talks about the minor and ignores the major because more major to them than your health is their profits**
Bottom line–
It’s all going to be OK.
Coronavirus should be taken seriously, but it’s not the globe-altering plague it’s being portrayed to be.
Panic is making it much bigger than it is.
By summer, coronavirus will be old news.

Full Transcript of the Video
I’m a physician who’s going to prove to you that the press is lying to you and being very disingenuous for profit in regards to coronavirus and your health and why you cannot trust them. Pay attention to them, but you cannot trust them. Normally as a physician, my job is not to monitor politics or the news about what’s going on with the war. That’s for my soldier son to take care of and for the politicians and for the leaders of that arena. My job is to fight disease. On the other hand, when I see the press being disingenuous, basically lying to people and tricking people, I want to call it out. I want to call it out in a way and in words that would not probably be appropriate for video. Let’s just talk about the numbers. I’m going to read them all so I make sure I get this right.
So far worldwide we’ve had 82,294 cases of coronavirus worldwide, with 2,804 deaths. Now if that death is someone whom you love, that’s a serious, serious thing. I’m not discounting the fact that this is a dangerous thing that is affecting people. If you’re the person who dies even from something rare, which coronavirus at this point is relatively rare, then that’s a major thing to your family and to you. That deserves respect and the utmost solemn acknowledgment of the pain that goes with that. But on a worldwide basis, and when you see politics and billions of dollars and emotional upheaval that’s disrupting my own staff in my office (I had to have this conversation with them yesterday) I’m going to call out the lies from the perspective of a physician who’s worked in infectious disease.
I’ve done research with infectious disease. I was an ER physician for 12 years. I’ve helped salvage people who were dying from various infections, everything from HIV to sepsis in young children. I know what the disease looks like, and I was a research chemist and physics person and I understand the math. Let me call out the lies so that you understand why this is very disingenuous.
So far, the average, and for the past few years, the average deaths from drunk drivers is 29 per day. Drunk drivers alone have killed more people than all of our wars combined, including the Civil War. That’s an average of one person dying every 50 minutes. If you watch a movie, two people died during that movie. So far, zero people have died in the US from coronavirus, but do you see anyone on the news in upheaval about people dying from drunk drivers? Never, because guess who buys ads on the news? People who sell alcohol. It would hurt their business to tell you about that, so they don’t. Don’t talk about it. Does it sell ads that would actually kill, the many ads that are being bought by the alcohol companies?
Now, I’m not saying that somehow alcohol should be outlawed again. I’m just putting in perspective the coronavirus thing. Let’s talk about another thing. Let’s go to infectious diseases. Actually, let’s talk about another thing not infectious. Last year, somewhere around 70,000 people died from drug overdoses, 70,000. Somewhere around 68% of that were opioids alone, 70,000. If you do the math on that, that’s somewhere around 191 per day, or about 8 per hour. Go watch a movie, and during that time 16 people will die from drug overdoses. About somewhere around 60%, 70% of those, so somewhere around 10, 12 of them will be just from opioids. Don’t see anybody talking on the news about that. Remember how many people have died so far from coronavirus in the US? Zero. Total worldwide? 2,804. Total last year from opioid overdoses? 70,000.
Let’s talk about something infectious. This is from the CDC. Since 2010, it’s been an average of 12,000 to 61,000 people dying from the flu. In 2018, somewhere around 48 million, 48 million people got the flu. Of those, close to a million, 959,000, this is in 2018 from the CDC, 959,000 worldwide went to the hospital. There was 79,400 deaths, 79,400 deaths from the flu. That average is 217 per day if you spread it over the year. It isn’t spread out over the year, but if you averaged it out over the year, that would be 217 per day, or 9 per hour dying from the flu.
I’m not saying that coronavirus couldn’t wind up spreading like crazy, but if you look at the people that are dying from it, it’s spreading like the flu. Most people who get it, the vast majority of people who get it, have a cold-like illness that’s severe, it’s a severe cold, but sometimes it’s even minor symptoms. Unfortunately, it preys oftentimes on the weak, young people or old people or those who are immunocompromised. What kills the person is not the coronavirus or the flu. Just like with the flu, often what kills people is the secondary bacterial infections. Your best defense to all of these things is to be healthy. It’s not to look to the government to save you, although there are things they should be doing, which I’ll get to, but it’s to stay healthy.
On those lines, this mask thing, wearing a paper mask is bull. What that does is it protects the person who’s coughing from spreading so much if you’re sick. If you’re the one who has the flu or the coronavirus and you cough, it protects it from as much of those droplets spreading into the room, but once those droplets are on a surface somewhere, if you touch the surface and then touch your eyes or your mouth, then you’re going to transmit and are more likely to catch the thing. Good handwashing techniques, keeping your hands away from your face, keeping yourself healthy. I’m still a big … I think Linus Pauling was correct. I think lots of vitamin C, but the reason the press is basically lying to you is that they’re making a big deal out of numbers that are still minuscule compared to so many other things. They’re not talking about the other things because that doesn’t get viewers and make them money. It actually loses them money to talk about how many people are dying every day from these other things.
Now, what about how fast it spreads and China shutting down whole cities and such? Okay, yeah, they did. In China, you realize you still don’t get to have as many babies as you want? Nobody talks about this on the news. You still have forced abortion in China. How’s that? You want to go live there? All these people who claim that communism and socialism is wonderful, they don’t understand socialism is not synonym for safety net. My own grandfather never went to school because his mother couldn’t afford him back in a time when if you had a child out of wedlock, there was no government safety net. There needs to be a government safety net, but that is not the same as having the government take your business because you’re making too much money and then spread that around and basically steal from you, take your whole business away and own the business. That’s socialism, when the government takes the business and owns it and then decides who’s going to get paid and who doesn’t. That’s what collapses countries like Venezuela and the Soviet Union.
The communism is why … I mean, you can count on this. If you’re in a country where you had forced abortion, they’re going to shut down whole cities and lock you up until they’re sure you’re not contagious. They’re going to control it, you watch. The numbers of people with coronavirus will fall. It’s total panic over something that’s going to be controlled and will never approach anything like the flu or just drunk drivers and opioids. Yep, we can die, but we’re not going to die from what the press is talking about. They’re being tricky and they’re being … Basically, they’re lying to you and making a big something out of nothing, because to tell the truth, you would hurt their business.
Okay, I’m going to go back to reading The New England Journal. Hope this helps you quit panicking. Take your vitamin C. Don’t smoke. Do what your mother and your grandmother said. Get lots of sleep. Vote for capitalism. Make sure there’s a good social net so those who can’t work are taken care of. Do whatever you can to do for mental illness. If you notice, this recent mass shooting at the brewery, the guy had thoughts that the people that he shot were coming to his home and moving the furniture around. Someone should have identified that and had him mentally evaluated. Yeah, he was angry, but that’s schizophrenia if you think people were sneaking into your house and moving your furniture. Watch for it.
The mass shootings are largely because we’re not taking care of the mentally ill. We need to not be talking and panicking about coronavirus. This is your doctor … I’m not your doctor, but this is a doctor talking. The panic is about the wrong thing. We need to be fighting the things that are getting people on drugs. We need to have more mental hospital beds. We need to trust the CDC to do their job and realize the World Health Organization is corrupt and worthless at this point. It’s become completely, completely corrupt. Research it, read about it. The World Health Organization is a crock. Your press is a crock. Those are the main problems, mental illness … We do need to be thinking about infectious disease, but we need real numbers and we need to support the CDC and the infectious disease and etiology, the epidemiologists, we need to support them and support the research, but not panic over these little numbers.
Anyway, hope that helps you. Take your vitamin C. Don’t buy a face mask. You don’t need it. Go wherever you need to go in the US. It’s not going to be a big deal. You’re more likely to get hit by a drunk driver getting to the airport.
I’d like to hear your ideas on why the media focuses as they do on this “novel virus” and essentially ignores the far more significant causes of death.
Thank you
Thank you so much for this! We need more level-headed doctors. I am thrilled to see you are in Alabama. I would like to talk with you this week if you have time.