an educational site provided by
Dr. Charles Runels,
I've devised a new way to personally help people with either of the following two problems:
An actual grocery list for the week and daily printed menu that's tailor made for you. I'll factor in all of the following in designing the daily menus: 1) Your age, 2) Your sex, 3) Your goals (gain muscle and lose fat, lose weight and lose fat, or maintain weight and lose fat), 4) What days you exercise and for how long, 5) What activities you do when you exercise (will advise in this area), 6) The level of activity in your job, 7) How much alcohol you drink and when, 8) Your present %body fat (will calculate from measurements you provide with scale and tape measure), and 9) Present weight and Goal weight.
Foods will be chosen in a way similar to The ABS Diet (healthy diet with real food that should lower cholesterol and lower risk of heart disease and stroke).
Will provide 4 weeks of menus with each week different. Each week will come with menu for each day and with a grocery list (you take the list to the store and you're ready to prepare any menu for the week...unless your kids raid the frig).
Audio CD explaining the program and more tips about how to maintain normal weight and even get the "6-pack."
How does it work?
I email to you a form to complete that asks all the questions I need to design the diet.
You fill out the form and send it back to me (either email, fax, or snail mail).
Within 24 hours of receiving the form, I will design the diet and all the daily menus and a suggested workout schedule and put it in the mail to you. You should receive the box with 4 grocery lists and 28 daily menus within a few days.
You try the diet for 6 weeks. If you're not pleased for any reason, you let me know and I refund all of your money.
For trying the personalized 6-pack plan, I'll give you the following for FREE:
FREE: The 15-Day course for men, Anytime...for as Long as You Want: Strength, Genius, Libido & Erection by Integrative Sex Transmutation. This course is currently the number one selling item on Amazon if you search under key word "erection." The course includes the 1,3, 5 Plan for total health of mind, body, and spirit and a 72-minute audio CD....($24.95 value)
FREE access to talk with me personally by phone. Every Saturday morning I host a live class by teleconference on weight loss and peak performance. You will receive an access code and FREE admission ($240 value).
FREE CD explaining the principles I use to Fine Tune the Female Body (70 minute audio CD)
FREE: CD "Finding Time for Exercise"
FREE: CD "How to Go for a Walk."
FREE: The weekly scheduling tool and audio CD explaining the technique I used through out medical school and my time in the emergency room to make sure that I have time to work out on a regularly basis. I still use this technique. When I teach this system to my weight loss patients they usually increase the number of pounds lost per month by 55% ($11.95 value)
Total Value of FREE extras...$291.85
Cost of the Personalized Weight-Loss and 6-Pack Eating Plan...and all the FREE extras is only $134.95.
You will receive the questionnaire within 24 hours of enrolling. If you have any questions or do not receive the questionnaire within 24 hours and the Diet Plan and all the FREE extras within 7 days please let me know.
GUARANTEE: Most people see dramatic changes in the abdomen and improvements in energy within 2 weeks of placing this order (one week to really get started and a week to be on the plan). But, I'll let you try the plan for up to 6 weeks and still return all of your money if you're not completely satisfied. You keep all the FREE gifts just for trying the plan.