Sigmund Freud discussed sex transmutation in his discussion of Leonardo da Vinci. While reading Walden, by Thoreau, I saw how Thoreau attributed sex transmutation with the beginning of genius in a man. While studying meditation at CSA in the Georgia mountains, I read of sex transmutation in the Gita and the New Testament. By being aware of the concept, I saw the concept mentioned while studying a variety of subjects but I saw very little specific advice about how to put the concept into practice.
(Note: If you are interested in having a erection enhancement through erection workout, and other methods, then go here.
While in my second year of college I did a secret experiment on my own body (that I explained for the first time in my book) and saw amazing results (making gains in muscular strength and in intelligence and in sexual attractiveness that were so remarkable that people who had not seen me for a few months sometimes did not recognize me). At that time, I told no one the nature of my experiment because I was embarrassed.
immediate down-loadable version for $21.97 (Complete Money Back Guarantee with no questions asked!)
When I quit the ER and began doing clinical trials and private practice of internal medicine and endocrinology (hormones), I began combining sex transmutation with the therapies that I learned in my research in medicine. The results were dramatic (almost scary), but I was still reluctant to teach these techniques to my patients. Why?
For one, explaining the techniques took more time than I had in the office.
Second, I wasn't sure how receptive most would be to discussions of erection workouts and erection enhancers since most of the techniques did not involve any prescription medications (most of my patients, I assumed, thought they already knew most everything about sex and just wanted a prescription--not a lecture).
But, in an effort to help the men at home who wouldn't come see me (after their wives complained to me), and in an effort to help the men who did come to visit (since I didn't have time to explain the process), I created this course. I now receive calls and email from around the world about the amazing results of following this 15-day plan.
Both Leonardo da Vinci and Henry David Thoreau taught an amazing technique called sex transmutation. You can find some of Thoreau's thoughts in his book Walden (in the chapter called "Higher Laws," Thoreau called sex transmutation the "beginning of genius").
Leonardo wrote of sex transmutation in his notebooks. Freud spoke of Leonardo's transmutation of sexual energy and credited sex transmutation with being part of the source of Leonardo's genius.
Benjamin Franklin discusses sex transmutation in his autobiography. The Chinese Tao discusses sex transmutation and several erection workouts as they relate to sex transmutation.
Napoleon Hill has a chapter called "The Mystery of Sex Transmutation" in his book Think and Grow Rich (and calls sex transmutation the most powerful motivator available).
the technique of integrating sex transmutation with modern medicine (Integrative Sex Transmutation) can change your health, your life, and your sex life in phenomenal ways...
Only about 10% of men will seek the help of a physician when faced with erection problems (decreased firmness or premature ejaculation). So, even the ones who come to me in my office represent only a small fraction of men with erection problems. So. since I also treat women in my practice, I would frequently hear from women patients that they were not satisfied at home but were unable to talk comfortably with their spouse (afraid they would cause anger or hurt if they were completely honest). So, I knew of many marriages that were near breaking partly because the man couldn't satisfy his wife and the poor fellow thought he had a satisfied wife and frequently had no idea how seriously close his marriage was to falling apart. I wanted a way to help these men who might be in the dark about their wives or who might know the problem but were left searching the internet after getting only a few minutes and a quickly written prescription for Viagra from their physician.
I wanted to find a way to think about sex and to practice sex so that the wisdom of the ages could be applied in combination with modern medicine and I wanted to spread the word in a non-threatening way (so that women could give the book to their husbands). Most importantly, I wanted to help in a way that would encourage and instruct those who didn't need medication on how to cure their problem at home without the help from a physician. And, I wanted to tell men who went to see a physician how to ask the right questions and make sure the right blood tests were done to get to the real cause of the problem (rather than just treat the symptoms with a quickly written prescription for Viagra). And, I wanted a way to help these men even if they were reluctant to come to my office.
...I designed a course to coach men to superior health and amazing sex and vowed to put it into the hands of as many men as possible...
The course is presented in a 72-minute audio CD and in workbook format (designed to be studied over a 15-day period).
The CD also helps a woman introduce the course to a man who's not eager to read the book (The CD can be played in the car or around the home where the man will hear it...there is no way to force the reading ).
It's recorded in a non-threatening way with the attitude that things may be good but by study and practice of any art there's always room for improvement. By giving the CD to the man, many women patients have seen their husbands encouraged to become better in bed and more healthy (average weight loss of 18 pounds by those surveyed who use the course).
Erection workouts
and erection enhancers that help you have an erection every day, 7 days a week,
365 days a year at any age by using
a man's cycle (not the same as the
refractory period)
to increase sex drive (This was
the ancient form of Viagra and allows most men to cure
premature ejaculation and weak erections without any prescription medications).
How to prolong
sexual intercourse for as long as you want by a unique combination of techniques called the
"Magic 9." I've yet to hear
of anyone who used a combination of all 9 of the "Magic 9" who did not see an
amazing and immediate improvement in the ability to have prolonged sexual
How to know if your
hormones are adjusted
correctly for optimum sexual
function and health and intelligence.
What Thoreau had
to say about sex and why practicing Sex Transmutation
can increase your intelligence.
How to use the sex
urge to help your business, your creativity
(Benjamin Franklin and
Leonardo da Vinci
both used this one), and your
Why study of the
Holy Bible can increase health and libido and sexual function.
Integrative Sex Transmutation
can increase your strength,
immunity, and health.
sex herbs that work
and how to use them in combination with your cycle and with Viagra for
mind-blowing sex.
How I stumbled on
this technique in college and went from 135 pounds to 198 pounds and kept a 29
inch waist (and did it in less than one year without using anabolic steroids).
Learn to have
two types of orgasms
(with and without ejaculation) and use this skill to have multiple
orgasms daily.
Help your mate
achieve the 9th level of
orgasm as taught in the
Chinese Tao (most women stop at the 4th level and think that they are done).
How to safely
supercharge the potency of Viagra or Levitra (if you do have circulation
problems) and the one way you may want to use these drugs even if you usually
have firm erections without it.
How most men who
depend on Viagra (or similar drugs) can
learn to do well without using any medication.
How to use the way
you practice sex as a way to improve intelligence.
The important
ways a woman's orgasms are different than a man's
and the one thing you should do at
the gym to assure you can use these differences to satisfy you and your mate.
How to use Viagra
or Levitra if you have heart disease
Here's what one reader (James) had to say...
I was given the book as a gift. I was very skeptical when I read the title. After two weeks I am no longer a skeptic. I just can't believe the results I have had. If every man over 50 had this book I firmly believe that there would be little market for Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra. I have tried all three of those products and had success but nothing like what I had after practicing the principles given in this book. I am on cloud 9 as is the woman that is the love of my life. My whole outlook on life is now more positive. It's a miracle to me.
Here's what another reader said,
I am a 70 year old man. I have read this
book and have been applying the principles. Do not let the format deceive you.
The book is laid out as a workbook with space for writing and list homework
assignments. If you work thru the book taking a day at a time and doing the
homework assignments you will see positive results.
My RESULT: I feel better than I have felt in years. Also, I'm having sex like a
30 year old. I walk or jog 3 to 5 miles each day. I enjoy an active life style,
boating, fishing, scuba and other outdoor activities.
Recently when ask by someone in my church how I managed to feel so good. I
recomended that they study and work thru Dr. Runels' materials. This book is a
great introduction to the principles he teaches. I also recomend that you study
his website.
There he tells about his medical pratice and shares his thoughts and opinions
about hormone repacement, recent research on growth hormone, smallpox vaccine,
blood pressure medicine, the dection of chemical warfare agents and more. He
strives to stay on the cutting edge of his field. There is much one can learn
from DR. Runels.
If you are seeking a healthly life style, high energy level, high sex drive and
firm/lasting erectins. Then study this book and apply the recomended principles.
Willie Lee
Search the internet and you will find much
written about sex transmutation. But,
search for an in-depth course that
describes how to practically combine this ancient technique with the best of
modern medicine and you will have much difficulty finding anything that compares
with this 15-day course for men.
As a physician, I can't afford to hurt my reputation by taking money from people who may not be helped (my income comes primarily from patient care and research...not book sales)
You get a complete money back, no-questions-asked guarantee.To order down-loadable version (120 pages) for $21.17 and get immediate delivery--as fast as you can download a pdf (adobe acrobat file). You will be sent to the place to download the course immediately after payment.
Completely private, with nothing but "ClickBank" showing up on your credit card.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE immediate down-loadable version for $21.97
To stay informed, sign up for my free updates in men's health and sexual function...
To order printed (paperback) version from my office (only in the continental US):
We got this book quite by accident
but it has turned out to be a wonderful - life-changing book. Not so much for
the sex aspect - but more so - for the attitude changing - healthy perspective
it brings to human sexuality. Dr. Runels candidly discusses the importance of
sexuality as part of us - natural - vital to total health - and - when focused
and used properly - a powerful tool! He does a great job of addressing how
un-directed - un-channeled sexuality can be very destructive - or - with proper
discipline and focus - can be a powerful life-changing - attitude changing tool.
That is - by increasing your sex-drive - and at the same time - harnessing it -
the result will be a more fruitful, healthy, joyful, invigorating, productive
My personal view is that all too often - Christians grow up with little
understanding of their sexuality and in almost total denial of how God made
them! This denial comes at a high cost - both in divorce rates - and - leading
dull lethargic lives (as compared with accepting how God lovingly and with
purpose and intention - designed us). I firmly believe our God was far more
careful and with intent and purpose - as He lovingly crafted our emotional and
sexual makeup - and in balance and understanding - this is a source of great
strength, drive and power not to mention strength and intimacy for a committed
couple. Yet so many seem wired to live steeped in denial as if it was Godly and
our expected sacrifice - when in fact - we are denying the wonderment and power
of how he not only made us - but intentionally equipped us! Yes - intentionally
equipped us!
For me, this denial is tantamount rejecting His finest and most careful creation
- that was fashioned in His image! On the other hand - to break down the icy
walls of this denial - and candidly acknowledge Him in all your ways (your
sexuality included) and give Him the credit and glory begins an amazing journey
that is forever life-changing and family-strengthening.
Simply put - unbridled - run-away sexuality leads to destruction of personal
lives - and - families. So does denial.
Without a doubt - The sexual and intimacy aspects - are extremely wonderful,
tender and alone are well worth the effort. Absolutely! But this book does much
more than that.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE immediate down-loadable version for $21.17
Charles Runels, MD
P.S. You may also be interested in the Priapus Shot (the quickest way I know to increase penis size).
P.P.S. Go here for more about Training for Sex.