Only 10% of men with erection problems (erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation) will seek the help of a physician. Embarrassment about seeing a physician and quick prescriptions for Viagra given with little thought about the whole health of the man and how erectile function might be improved by getting to the root cause of the problem seem to be at fault.
Here's a grading scale for your erections:
Erectile dysfunction (ED) intensity scale. Total score:
5–10 (severe); 11–15 (moderate); 16–20 (mild); 21–25 (normal). Adapted from
ED Intensity and Impact Scales, Recommendations of the First International
Consultation on Erectile Dysfunction, Paris, 1999.
Download this scale as
a pdf file
There are prescription treatments that work better with fewer side effects than Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis. Also, for those with premature ejaculation, there are prescription medications that allow the maintenance of erection after ejaculation. There are also techniques that can be used along with these medications to greatly enhance the effects. But, most men who could be helped will suffer in silence due to the problems outlined above. For a look at what a complete work up of erection difficulties should look like (then come back to this page for more advice), click here to read summary by the National Institute of Health (NIH).
That my research in endocrinology (hormones) and sexual function has afforded me the ability to help many who have not been helped in the past is evidenced by the success of my book, Anytime...for as Long as You Want: Strength, Genius, Libido & Erection by Integrative Sex Transmutation, which is currently the number one item [out of 49,470 books] on Amazon if you search under the category of "erection."
For some, Cialis or Levitra may be the best therapy, but embarrassment about going to the pharmacy may cause the man to avoid legitimate pharmacies and the physician and take his chances with on-line pharmacies.
To help with these barriers to treatment for men, I'm offering a service that allows extreme privacy: no waiting room (or private waiting for short time only), receive medications without going to a pharmacy (I can legally mail medications to you if you are my patient...I do not prescribe or mail medications to people whom I've not examined and interviewed), lab work (if needed) done on site. In other words, you go home with your medication when you leave the office and you will not see anyone but me and my nurses while in the office.
Most of the men I see with erection problems have never had their blood tested for levels of thyroid, prolactin, growth hormone, free and total testosterone with comparison with estrogen levels (need a 15:1 ratio for optimal sex drive), and DHEA. Recent studies show that at least 2 out of 3 men with diabetes have low testosterone levels. I test all these levels and fine-tune levels back to normal for a 30-year-old man. Here’s how it works...
If you live out of town, and would like to know your hormone levels and then decide if you wish to make an appointment (more about how adjustments will be made can be found in my book, which you receive for free if you become my patient), or if you wish for me to give you an interpretation of your lab results (telephone consultation with letter for you to take to your physician), I am able to offer lab testing without visiting me. Your blood can be drawn anywhere in the US (I fax or email order for you to print and take to the LabCorp lab nearest you).
If you live near enough to visit me, treating erection problems using all of the most current strategies results in overall improvement of health, decreased risk of heart disease, and improved sexual function (both Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation) in 95% of cases. You call for an appointment, come in for short visit to draw your blood work. You come back in one week (when results of blood testing is available) and go home with your medications that day.
If you are my patient (have met with me in the office), I can mail medication to you for up to one year (saving you the trouble of going to the pharmacy...I cannot mail or prescribe unless you have seen me in the office).
...Here's more information that may be of help in the search for optimal health and sexual function:
For Premature Ejaculation Without Weak Erections:
The total cost is $600 (paid when you make the appointment). Usually no second visit and no lab work is required.
For Erectile Dysfunction (Weak Erections)
For more details (with no obligation):
Peace & Health,