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Charles Runels, MD  

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Here's excerpts from an article from the New England Journal this week:

"It is likely that prostate-cancer screening has resulted in a substantial degree of over diagnosis of cancers that never would have presented clinically16 and that would not have affected morbidity or mortality. For this reason, there is a need for markers that can distinguish between aggressive and indolent cancers."

Translation into plain English:  Checking PSA has for some men resulted in having treatment for cancer that would have never caused problems if never treated.

This dilemma--what to do with an abnormal test (PSA) when you know you are going to over treat some; but, if you do not treat then this person may die--is a difficult one.

In the New England Journal this week, there was discussion of genetic markers that may give a clue to help separate prostate cancer that may take your life from prostate cancer that can be left alone (as in go to the beach with your wife instead of to the hospital to have your prostate sliced out).  These markers are not yet ready for practical use.  But, it brings to mind that best is to never get the cancer cells or the elevated PSA since any abnormality brings up this uncomfortable problem of how or if to treat.

Here's a review article from a respected cancer journal about how to prevent prostate cancer.  Highly recommend that you review this article and put a few of the practices in place.

In my book, Anytime--for as Long as You Want:  Strength, Genius, Libido, & Erection by Integrative Sex Transmutation, I mention regulation of ejaculation as a way to improve health.  Many men have been told that they should ejaculate as much as possible to help avoid infection and keep the prostate healthy.  So, what's the best way to keep a healthy prostate?

Best is not to keep emptying unhealthy fluid from an unhealthy gland.  Best is to make the gland healthy.  Occasionally, this may mean emptying the gland of unhealthy fluid.  But eventually, the goal is an abundance of healthy fluid in a healthy gland.  That is what I teach in my book and on my website and to my patients.

Peace & Health,

Charles Runels, MD