I've been given a gift that I can't keep to myself:
Because my book Anytime... continues to be the the #1 best selling sex manual on Amazon.com, I receive the gift of an avalanche of feedback about how the book is helping and about how to make the book better (easier quest for optimum health, intelligence, creativity, inspiration, and sexual function).
Rather than keep new research and the recommendations and experiences of readers to myself until the 2nd edition of the book appears, I'd like to share what I'm learning here on this site. Sometimes it's just a sticking point that was not addressed in the book. Sometimes it's a new supplement. Whatever it is, I'll try to keep you current in this subject by keeping this site current.
Thank you very much by honoring me by reading the book and by gifting me with your experiences and recommendations.
Check back later for more tips as new research appears and as more questions and testimonies come my way (subscribe to Health Lessons for automatic updates).
Click here to download Diagram 1
2. Click here to download Diagram 2
3. Click here to download Diagram 3