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I'm starting to hear some very useful advice about how to revise/expand the book, "Anytime...for as Long as You Want:  Strength, Genius, Libido, & Erection by Integrative Sex Transmutation."  I wanted to thank everyone who has called or written about how to improve the book.  Here are a few of the suggestions and some of the answers so you won't need to wait until the next version to find some improvement.

Comment 1.  I find the next comment (from a reader who posted on Amazon) to be very useful:

I thoroughly read your book and reaction-review and took a look at your photo. It is a paradox between the great looking and open-minded man I saw and the very conditioned author you appear in your book.

I appreciate your efforts to provide several ways to boost certain hormones, etc things in the body. However, they are not popular. Not everyone is Christian in order to read "5 chapters from the Bible" every day. Nor everyone will find it relaxing. If calmness has something to do with HGH then say so and the reader will think of his way to relax. Instead of the Bible I will splash in a hot bath tab with lavender. This for ME is relaxing.

I am impressed from your physical activity and it should be ok for you to walk 3 miles every day. However, as you have said "70%" from the Americans are obese. For them is difficult even to get up from the bed. How do you expect from them who are your major market to walk so much every single day?
If you are serious about writing a new edition I urge you to shift your focus from yourself to your average American reader. Otherwise, I am sure that most of the men who buy your book will do what I did. I read it, sighed and put it on the shelf because it's neither practical nor it can fit in my lifestyle and physical condition.

I greatly respect this reader's problem and was sorry that he didn't leave his email address so that I could respond to his concerns.  It is true that many cannot find the time or the energy to exercise as much as I have suggested.  I use quite a few tips/tricks to find time and energy for exercise and to coach my patients from being sedentary into leading an active life.  I have several patients who have literally gone from being on a walker to walking laps at the YMCA.  The last patient I saw do that is a lady in her 30's who was very obese and had a back injury that together required that she use a walker while out of the house and a wheel chair for comfort while at home.  I personally went with her to the YMCA and showed her an elliptical trainer (with rails like a walker...not the kind where you hands go back an forth) and she could only go for about 30 seconds.  She did several episodes of 30 seconds with rest in between.  Now she didn't have paralysis (I don't have the cure for that) she had some weakness from an old gun-shot wound to the back and then obesity compounding the problem.  With me coaching her in how to very gradually increase her activity and find more time for regular exercise (and I adjusted her hormones and advise her on a series of different diets as her weight changed).  She went from walker, to cane, to walking laps at the YMCA on the outdoor track without any device (and lost about 70 pounds).  

I could go on with many other stories.  Unfortunately, physicians in this country are poorly educated (in my opinion) about exercise and diet and how to advise people about how to go from obesity to fitness and still live a normal life.  

You may find help in a CD that's helped many of my patients called "How to Go for  a Walk." In this recording, I explain some of the techniques I teach and have developed to make walking enjoyable starting from any level of fitness.  Another CD called, "How to find time for Exercise,"  should also prove helpful.  I've advised many very busy and prosperous people about how to make time for exercise and have more time to do other things than before exercise (using tips and scheduling techniques and layering techniques which combine exercise/walking with other activities).  

Here are a few principles that seem to help (for more...listen to the audio CD's):

  1. If you're overweight, start with an amount that seems very easy.  For most people, starting with about 1/2 mile per day seems to be about right.  Most can walk this amount in about 10 minutes.  This takes away the don't have time and don't have energy to walk excuse from most (we're talking about 2.5 city blocks).  But if you do this every day...then that's 3.5 miles for the week...a great start!
  2. Don't keep track of time.  Keep track of distance.  If you keep track of distance, then on a day you feel like walking slower, if you do the whole distance you still burn about the same number of calories, it just takes a little longer.
  3. Walk a little slower than you would like.  This allows you to not feel exhausted when done and so not dread walking the next day.
  4. Go up about 10% per week and keep track of weekly total mileage.
  5. Eventually, work up to 2 sessions of 1/2 mile per day (about 10minutes each) giving you a total of 7 miles a week.
  6. Now start adding to the sessions so that mileage goes up about 1 mile per week.  
  7. You can substitute a treadmill or an elliptical trainer but do not recommend a stationary bicycle.  
  8. If bad weather keeps you from walking, then need to buy a treadmill or join a club where you can use a treadmill on bad-weather days.
  9. Use walking time to study or make phone calls or take classes (more about how to do this on the CD that's coming...I did much of my studying for medical school while jogging the streets of Birmingham).  That's probably enough for now about how to go for a walk....here's more from this reader's comments...

As to the "great-looking and open minded" by the picture vs. the "conditioned author" in the book...thank you very much for the compliment.  I do find there to be some freedom in a certain amount of discipline.  The discipline of exercise gives me energy and freedom of movement that would not be there without that discipline.  But, most of the people I meet who are overweight have great discipline...they have businesses, jobs, families, and have done very heroic things to try and lose weight...but they never really had a good plan that works.  So, they use their discipline concentrating on the wrong things (usually because of not-so-good advice from a physician about diet and exercise) then when they don't get results they think they failed because they didn't have enough discipline.  I find this to be very sad when I see someone who feels like they've failed in the area of weight loss when they really never had a workable plan (and so were failed by whoever gave them advice).

Comment #2:  This is another important concern about prostate health...

Just finished reading your book "Anytime for as long as you want". My main concern is that I have read several studies which shows that frequent male ejaculation reduced the incidense of Prostate cancer. Since it runs in my family history the idea of not having ejaculation not more than once every 14 days(for my case) may be more a detriment that an aid.


a better strategy (than frequent ejaculation) in my opinion would be take propecia (or 1/4 of proscar) daily.  Still under study but should be proven to prevent prostate cancer.  first study showed definite decrease in cancer rate but unfortunately those who did develop prostate cancer had more aggressive type (on average).  But the decrease was definite.
Melatonin 2mg every night, proscar daily, perhaps saw palmetto 200mg and vitaming c 2000 to 3000mg per day (and avoid sexual transmitted disease of course) with perhaps prostate massage occasionally (see Chinese Tao of sexology) would be the optimum prostate cancer prevention to add to the usual annual rectal exam

Comment #3: 

I've been enjoying your book and have already found an improvement in my outlook and energy levels even after only a week or so of taking your advice. I look forward to trying your sex surfing techniques.
One of the main reasons I bought your book was because I suffer from performance anxiety. It's not a huge problem and it doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes with a new lover I get self conscious and split off and find it difficult to stay in my body. Loss of erection ensues.
I don't know if you address performance anxiety in your book because I haven't finished it yet. However I have a question that I would be most grateful if you would answer.
I have been doing some research on Yohimbine on the Web and I've found one possible side effect is anxiety. I found this snipped on this website: http://www.seekwellness.com/mensexuality/deferol_scientific.htm


Best tip i've heard is this.  When with your lover....  Say, "tonight, I'd like to just cuddle with you.  No sex,  Just cuddle and be close." 
Now the pressure's off to perform (you've already told her, you really just want to be close and enjoy her without having sex).  If that's what happens,,,well that's what you planned.
If you have an erection and end up having sex,  well,, things just got out of hand but everyone will probably still be great with the situation.
There's a book I recommend in my List on Amazon about erection that describes this strategy in more detail.  It works wonderfully.

Comment #4:

I just bought and started reading your book on Surfing, and it seems right on. Incredibly interesting, and offers some hope. If I can come even close to some of what you describe, at 55, I will elated. My testosterone has been getting lower the past few years, irritability higher, and injuries take much longer to heal. I may make a trip to Alabama for your help/advice on supplementing hgh and steroid, but for now I want to read the entire book and put all the other suggestions into practice.

It's fascinating to read what Thoreau and Da Vinci and Franklin and Hill had to say about IST or ST. The most creative scientists I've known have all had a high sex drive, although they have sometimes channeled it in a manner that hurt their families.


It is fascinating to read.  It's even more fascinating if you go to the sources and read more of what they wrote (I left much of their writing out of my book).

Comment #5:

I bought your book, "Anytime," several months ago and have learned so much from it. My husband has, too. Keep writing!!!


I really enjoy these letters.  Between the lines, I try to see a happier family.

Comment #7:

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a classic. More millionaires credit their financial success to that book more than any other book ever written. Motivational speakers and gurus have spoken and lectured on the book. Yet there is one chapter in the book that the speakers and gurus never talk about. Even the great Earl Nightingale in his famous recording of the book only briefly mentions the chapter then he quickly moves on.

It's the chapter on SEX! or rather SEX TRANSMUTATION!

Here is a fact--most wealthy people that I have known, and some that I have read about, have very strong libidos, a strong sex drive.

One day while skimming the reviews here on Amazon for Think and Grow Rich, I read a review by a guy named Charles runels. He was the only reviewer that I could find that actually talked about the unmentionable chapter. I also found out that Charles runels was also the author of a book on sex transmutation. I was intrigued and decided to buy his book.

Dr.Runels has written a workbook on how to use Napoleon Hill's chapter on sex transmutation. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think the reason that Dr.Runels wrote the book was to specifically explain Hill's unmentionable chapter, but it does explain it so well, and most importantly it shows you in clear, specific steps HOW TO USE IT!!

From using the book this is what I have found...my productivity at work has skyrocketed! I have more confidence! This past weekend the woman in my life told me that I was more "romantic" than usual. I have a new zest for life, and I look forward to using this book for the rest of my life. I suggest all men buy this book and use it.Plus read Napoleon Hill's book once a month.


It's true that transmutation can be a very powerful force.  In encourage you to read directly some of the sources I reference in Anytime... and use those references to encourage you to experience the focus, energy, and intelligence that come with this practice.


 Please keep writing to me the good and the bad the helpful and the not helpful and I'll try to make this course more helpful to more people.


Charles Runels, MD

More about  "Anytime...for as Long as You Want:  Strength, Genius, Libido, & Erection by Integrative Sex Transmutation."