Recommended Supplements for Men for Superior Health and Sexual Function
I'll discuss these supplements with the assumption that you've read
Anytime...for as Long as You Want. The links
provided here will be regularly revised for my favorite sources for the various
- Here's a package of
vitamins that includes most of the vitamins I recommend in the book.
I changed the dosage of vitamin E some (went down to 400) and went up on the
B12 to 2,500 micrograms. Otherwise, I've kept things the same as in
the book.
- Here's a new product that I invented for the man who can achieve an
erection but needs a little extra boost. If a regular Viagra or
Levitra or Cialis seems too strong or if it seems to help but leaves libido
still down, then this product may help.
I call it Jungle. I put
two different prescription products and two different non-prescription
products in one pill. But, because this has two prescription products
in it, I can only sell it to people I have seen in person within the past
year. To order, if you are a patient, call 251-342-6466 or click below
on Google Check Out (if you are not a patient, your money will be refunded
and the medication will not be mailed)...
- If you are interested in becoming a patient, then
click here.
Bee Pollen. A very powerful and concentrated food with B vitamins
and hormones that work magic when taken regularly.-
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