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The Ultimate Weight-Loss Food


How would you describe the ultimate diet food?

How about this...

All of those characteristics can be found in an expertly prepared protein shake or smoothie.  Whatever you want to call them, for a busy person, it's difficult to find a better way to cut calories.  The problems are that most people don't understand how to make the ultimate shake.  They've tried a few protein powders and found they don't like the taste.  Or they've tried to make the shake but used the wrong ingredients and gained weight instead of losing.  One of my patients developed some innovative ways to prepare the ultimate protein weight loss shakes.

Linwood Morrison had some personal reasons for wanting to develop some new ways of making weight loss shakes.  With high blood pressure that was still out of control on several medications, with blood sugar running high, he decided to get serious about changing the way he eats.  One problem....He loves things to taste sweet.  So, using his love for math (he's a retired accountant) and his interest in cooking, he decided to develop some gourmet recipes for the blender that are quick and healthy.  The pictures below testify to his results.  But the gift is that he's publishing his recipes in his soon to be released book,  Blender Treats for Weight Loss and Health

Don't let me mislead you; Mr. Morrison walks on his treadmill almost every day (using some of the strategies I teach about walking).  But, his weight loss largely resulted from the amazingly delicious recipes that he developed which fulfill all of the items on the list (quick, exact, large volume, low calorie, and tastes like desert). 

I'll let you know when the book's available.  To be notified about the release of the book, sign up for my free health lessons at the bottom of this page.  Meanwhile, the best book I've found on the subject is the Abs Diet; Eat Right Every Time (start with the chapter titled "Shake it Up" to try some great blender recipes.                        Here's before and after pictures of Mr. Morrison.  Be sure to sign up for my list; this fellow's made an art out of making shakes.  I think you'll really benefit from his book when it finally arrives.....

                                                              Linwood Morrison, December  2005



                                  Linwood Morrison, July 2006, after losing 60 pounds in 6 months


The doctor of the future will offer more advice than medication."  ---Thomas Edison

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