"Every man [woman] is a builder of a
temple, called his body, to the god he worships,...
We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood
and bones."---Walden, Henry David Thoreau
I first started using the Obagi system in 1999. Many new Obagi products have come out over the past 9 years but I still think the Obagi Nu-Derm System is the best (for aging skin). The following (from the Obagi sales literature) explains the system well.
One of the delights of the Obagi System is that it is so well thought out.
With this system, you can do a complicated and very effective routine simply by
counting from 1 to 6.
I keep the bottles lined up on the bathroom counter and in just a minute run
through the routine morning and night.
If you want to purchase Obagi from my office,
I guarantee prompt delivery and complete
satisfaction or you get a full refund at anytime.
To order, call the office toll free at 866-625-2612 or
go here to order on-line (and there is never a shipping charge within the US). You get a FREE CD with your first order
The CD discusses hormone replacement in women, "Fine Tune Your Female Body."
Below you can read more about how the Obagi System makes your face younger. Also, you can print out a one-page guide to use until you get the hang of it (eventually you'll just be going through the numbers in a couple of minutes).
Here are basic instructions about how to use the products: